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Managed Distribution Volume Purchase Program

Enterprise iOS has discovered that Apple has launched its “Managed Distribution” system for the App Store Volume Purchase Program (VPP). Apple announced the program with iOS 7.

Managed Distribution will allow VPP users to “revoke and reassign apps to different users through MDM, so your organisation retains full ownership and control of purchased apps”. Good news for VPP customers. No longer will your app licences leave with your ex-employees or students.

Apple has also updated it’s VPP websites and guides.

Business VPP Website

Business VPP Guide

Eduction VPP Website

Eduction VPP Guide

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iOS 7 App licensing | Enterprise advantage | Official Blog of Onefruit

One of the biggest iOS 7 advances for enterprise environments is Apple’s new volume licensing model. The new model is a massive step forward and arguably is the most significant enterprise advance that Apple has made in iOS 7. It also has the potential to be a huge competitive advantage over Android in business environments.

From an administrator’s perspective, the new model works very similar to what’s been around for decades – single source software licensing coupled with network-based deployment tools. From a user perspective, it’s extremely similar to the consumer App Store system.

great article by Ryab Fass on the new iOS 7 app licensing for enterprise.